Can The Escondido Criminal Defense Attorney Help Riders Get Justice In DUI Cases?

Drinking and driving are never a good choice. People should always separate the two. Yet many people come across accidents every year. A small mistake could cause severe injuries or maybe even death to the victim. Many people think that drinking little will be okay for them to drive, but in reality, it could cause serious harm to them. It causes intoxication and people have ended up in serious situations. A drink can be enough to affect the driving abilities of a person. Consuming alcohol will damage things such as: Vision A single drink will cause a drop in the acuity of your vision. Detailed or fine prints will start getting blurred, as well as distant objects. People are unable to judge accurately the distance between things. As there is a higher concentration of alcohol in the blood, the vision starts to get double in many cases. Judgment Many people lose their sense of judgment when they are intoxicated. It is the reason why many people act out while they are drunk. ...